Wonder what the penguin attempting ballet on an iceberg in your dream is really trying to tell you?

Are you eager to expand your creativity, but can’t because your schedule is as packed as a rush-hour subway train?

Craving a cosmic connection, but navigating it like an astronaut lost in the aisle of a celestial grocery store?

If you said yes to any of the above - then I’ve got you.

Picture a life where balance is the heartbeat of your existence. Where your dreams are your trusted guides, to inner peace, a profound connection with your highest self and a source of unlimited potential.

Dreams make dreams happen.



My name is Natasha DreamSeer, I am a Dream Educator, Interpreter, Mystic and Guide. I am your gateway to a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth through the power of your dreams. Actual dreams.

You see, dreams are more than fleeting images from your day or last night’s Netflix binge watching.

Your dreams are a powerful tool for insight, creativity, and problem-solving that could have you using up to 35% of your brains capacity while you are unconscious.

Let me repeat that - while you are unconscious. 

Lessen your load by day, and let the work get done while you sleep. Doesn’t that sound like a dream?

I know it’s a bold claim, but it is grounded in scientific research endorsed by the likes of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Gabor Maté and Gene Keys author, Richard Rudd. 

Dreams are having a renaissance moment. 

And, rightly so.



A guide to discover hidden realms, analyze messages from your subconscious and trust in your higher power to lead you. The era of anxious living is over; empowered living is yours now.


Authentic Living: Tune into your highest self for boundless creativity, remarkable problem-solving, and inner growth.

Divine Guidance: Access guidance and decode messages from your subconscious and super conscious to enlighten your path.

Personal Mastery: Cultivate mastery by summoning vivid dreams and utilizing lucid awareness to unlock an ethereal power that transcends the mundane into the magical.


Free Resources: Downloadable guides to help you attain dream realm mastery. 

Substack Subscription:
I’ll be your new BFF offering weekly insights plus direct access to me with affordable dream analysis packages.

Early Bird Access:
Be the first to gain entry to online and in person events, workshops and retreats.

Intuitive Dreamwork Guidance:
The opportunity to work 1 - 1 with advanced support and guidance.


From those who dare to dream.

I attended one of Natasha’s activations about Dreaming and learned the foundation of how these can be gateways to understanding deeply what is going on in our subconscious mind. She also gave us the tools to be able to hone into the practice of developing the skill of discernment of dreams in a way that can help us understand more about ourselves. In addition, after using her toolkit of recommendations, Natasha helped me interpret a dream that was very eye opening to what was going on in my subconscious at the time and I was shellshocked by how accurate her interpretation was to what I was experiencing in my personal life… in a way that gave me a good bit of homework and actionable takeaways to work through those areas that were calling for attention and inspired me to strengthen my feminine energy tank! Lastly, the world is very fortunate to have Natasha share her physic abilities with the world because she can help us tap into a whole other side of us for growing our inner wisdom.

Alta @aldi44

The messages she conveys are always on point and use her thorough knowledge of archetypes and symbolism as to weave together a message specific to me.

Thank you Natasha, your services have been impactful and meaningful along my healing journey.


I had a great experience of having my dreams interpreted by Natasha, and it was truly an eye-opening experience.

Her deep understanding of symbolism and empathetic approach helped me gain valuable insights into my subconscious thoughts and emotions.

With her guidance, I was able to uncover hidden meanings and better understand myself. I highly recommend her dream interpretation services to anyone seeking clarity and self-discovery.


As one who is always seeking to understand the subconscious and unconscious mind, I love being able to decipher my dreams. It was on a few occasions I had pretty intense dreams and woke up a little disoriented and confused. I even had reoccurring dreams about one thing I couldn't understand.

I reached out to Natasha with some details of my dreams and she was able to help me connect the dots and see why I was downloading these messages. She was able to shine light on something I had overlooked. It's always so refreshing and grounding to gain a deeper perspective on our inner wisdom.

So grateful for her shares and insights into dreams! 🙏


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